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Living During a War and / or People Who Grew up during Wartime

What was life like growing up during WWII or another war? Are you someone who once lived someone else and there was a war where you were living? What is it like to live while a war is going on?

War Stories

We can learn so much from those who have experienced war. A segment of this project will be focusing on war stories. Are you a soldier or a civilian who has a story about what it was like while the war was going on?

I have a Wartime story to share



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The Interview Girl Foundation uses STORIES and INTERVIEWS to help bring about SOCIAL CHANGE

Do you love a good story? Join the 7 Day Story Challenge! 7 Days - 7 Stories.

This challenge will motivate you to act, to do, to prepare, to change, and to question.
7 days ……
7 stories …...
A reinvigorated YOU

  • Do you want to do more?
  • Do you want to be more?
  • Are you tired?
  • Are you bored?
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After these 7 days, you’ll be motivated to do something. You will be motivated to make a difference in the world.
This challenge will allow you to see things from a new perspective.
A CHALLENGE ASKING YOU TO LISTEN … we live in a world where everyone tells. This challenge challenges you to listen and when you do, you’ll become better.
What if all you had to do was LISTEN?