Is it possible to characterize a generation: the G.I. Generation, the Baby Boomers, Millennials, etc.? Everyone has their own personal stories, but as I completed interview after interview with people… read more → will soon release: CHASING TIME: What the WWII Generation Taught a Millennial. In this compilation of stories, WWII veterans, Holocaust survivors, POWs, and other individuals who were alive while WWII… read more →
One of’s first compilations of stories to be released is called: FITSPIRATION. In this compilation of stories, Health and Fitness experts were interviewed and they are sharing their tips, tricks, and… read more →
What is Your Perspective? “Why did she die?” I ask demanding to know an answer. “Because the medicines ran out that particular week,” the orphanage director from Ghana, Africa responds.… read more →’s Lesson of the Week: Overcoming Failure “Many of life’s failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison… read more →